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NY Times--Kids Can’t Read’: The Revolt That Is Taking On the Education Establishment
Sarah Mervosh| April 16, 2023
NPR--Scholastic wanted to license her children's book — if she cut a part about 'racism'
Emma Bowman| April 15, 20237:51 AM ET
Education Week--Districts Say Social Media Is Hurting Students’ Mental Health. Now They’re Suing
Arianna Prothero — April 13, 2023
Education Week--How to Get Students to Take Advanced Courses Sooner: Strategies for Schools
Sarah D. Sparks — April 13, 2023
Chalkbeat--Newark Public Schools plans to install over 7,000 new security cameras districtwide
Jessie Gomez| Apr 12, 2023, 6:30am EDT
Education Dive--OCR changes approach to complaints amid record high volume
Naaz Modan Senior Reporter| Published April 14, 2023