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NJ Spotlight--Treat rising gun deaths as public health matter, experts warn
Children and young adults die more from guns than they do from car crashes
Lilo H. Stainton, Health care writer | May 31, 2022 | Health Care, Law & Public Safety
NJ Spotlight--What happened to arts education in NJ during the pandemic?
The results of the latest survey may surprise you
John Mooney, Education writer | May 31, 2022 | Education
South Jersey Times--From N.J. middle school teacher | ‘I did not sign up for this’ | Opinion
Caitlin Hertzberg| South Jersey Times Guest Columnist| May 28, 2022, 8:27 a.m.
InsiderNJ--Five Days, Every Twenty-Eight Days
Anjali Mehrotra | May 29, 2022, 4:09 pm | in Columnist
NY Times--School Counselors on How to Help Students Recover From Pandemic Stress
Children are behind in social skills and struggling with emotional health, counselors say. They suggest eight ways to help.
Claire Cain Miller| May 29, 2022
The Atlantic—Ten years after Sandy Hook, here we are again
Carol Ann Davis| May 2022
NPR--The Uvalde shooting renews questions about school security
John Burnett, Marisa Peñaloza| Updated May 28, 202212:13 PM ET
NPR--Progressives take a leaf out of the conservative playbook to target school boards
Danielle Kurtzleben| May 31, 20225:01 AM ET
Education Dive--Students lag on media literacy — but the gap isn’t unbridgeable
Research suggests high school students who receive just six 50-minute lessons in digital literacy are twice as likely to identify questionable websites.
Anna Merod Associate Editor | Published May 25, 2022
The Hechinger Report--OPINION: Mom who lost her son in Sandy Hook says answer to this senseless violence lies in our classrooms
Kids that are taught coping skills and social and emotional competence ‘are not going to want to hurt themselves or others’
Scarlett Lewis| May 28, 2022