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NJ Spotlight--NJ to restart graduation test, but what’s a passing mark?
State Board of Education meeting features spirited discussion on where to appropriately set expectation for high schoolers
John Mooney, Education writer | December 2, 2021 | Education|
NPR--15-year-old boy charged with murder, terrorism in Michigan high school shooting
The Associated Press| Updated December 1, 20218:26 PM ET
Education Week--What This Week’s Mass Shooting Can Teach Us About School Safety
Stephen Sawchuk — December 01, 2021
Chalkbeat--Schools are back in person, but quarantines, health concerns have students missing more class
Matt Barnum Dec 1, 2021, 1:43pm EST
Education Dive--States supplement ESSER funds with additional federal aid
Naaz Modan Reporter | Published Dec. 1, 2021
Edutopia--3 Benefits of Having a Comfort Dog in School
Bringing a comfort dog into your school is a great way to build rapport with students and help them deal with all kinds of stress.
Jesse Pachter| December 1, 2021
The Hechinger Report--OPINION: We know what would prevent many school shootings. Why don’t we do it?
There are things we can do to give students coping skills before it’s too late
Ari Gerzon-Kessler December 1, 2021