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Philadelphia Inquirer--Racist U.S. history curriculums omit important stories of America’s First People | Opinion
In most states, social studies and history curricula provide little or no coverage of the important role Indigenous People have played in our national history and culture.
Carla Messinger| Nov. 24, 2021
NY Times--What’s One of the Most Dangerous Toys for Kids? The Internet
Video by Adam Westbrook, Judy King, Jonah M. Kessel| November 24, 2021
Education Week--A Guide to Diffusing Charged Conversations With Parents
Sometimes it’s best just to listen
Irshad Manji — November 19, 2021
Chalkbeat--‘It’s imperative that we listen’: What the Rittenhouse verdict meant in 5 classrooms
Chalkbeat Staff| Nov 23, 2021, 4:02pm EST
Edutopia--4 Ways Students Can Take an Active Role in Their IEP Meetings
Students are the primary stakeholder in their individualized education program, and they can play a role in annual meetings from an early age.
Kathryn Nieves| November 23, 2021