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NJ Spotlight--What Grade Does Murphy Get for NJ Schools’ Reopening?
Because he left that decision to local schools, it’s not clear yet what people will think of him
John Mooney | September 3, 2020 | Coronavirus in NJ, Education
NJ Spotlight--Video: Toms River Details Virtual Plan Waiting on State Approval
Toms River was ahead of the curve in switching from hybrid to an all-virtual model, when teacher and staff shortages left the district missing 25% of its workforce
Joanna Gagis, NJTV News | September 3, 2020 | Coronavirus in NJ, Education
NJ Spotlight--Interview: Head of High School Athletics in NJ Talks About Returning to Play
Student athletes will be allowed to resume sports this fall after much debate and revisions to guidelines set by the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association
Briana Vannozzi, NJTV News | September 3, 2020 | More Issues, Coronavirus in NJ
Star Ledger--N.J. has the best public schools in the nation — again, ranking says
Kelly Heyboer | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com| Updated Sep 02, 2020; Posted Sep 02, 2020
Star Ledger--Thousands pushing to spare life-saving school counseling program from Murphy’s budget ax
Gov. Phil Murphy’s latest budget proposal eliminates a decades-old, nationally renowned mental health counseling program operating inside 100 school districts across New Jersey that educators and students say has saved lives.
Susan K. Livio | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com| Updated Sep 02, 2020; Posted Sep 02, 2020
The Record--Once hailed as heroes, NJ teachers face backlash as tensions grow over all-remote learning
Hannan Adely| NorthJersey.com| September 3, 2020
NY Times—Op-Ed: ‘Remote Learning’ Is Often an Oxymoron
We need to try harder to get kids back in school.
Nicholas Kristof | Opinion Columnist| Sept. 2, 2020
Education Dive--DOL: No federal-approved leave for families choosing remote learning
Katie Clarey @kclarey21| Sept. 1, 2020
Education Week--Nation's Schools Get a 'C' Once Again, Even as Pandemic Turns Up the Heat
Sterling C. Lloyd and Alex Harwin| September 1, 2020