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NJ Spotlight--Fine Print: Survey of NJ School Districts, a Clear Call for Help
NJ School Boards Association’s second survey of members finds schools crying out for funding and clear guidance from the state
John Mooney | September 2, 2020 | Coronavirus in NJ, Education
NJTV News (via NJ Spotlight)--Video: How Hazlet Township Prepared for In-Person Learning This Fall
About 70 districts have opted for in-person education, but what will a COVID-19 classroom look like?
Raven Santana, NJTV News | September 2, 2020 | Coronavirus in NJ, Education
Star Ledger--N.J. school district lays off 240 employees, citing financial impact of coronavirus
Anthony G. Attrino | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com| Updated Sep 01, 2020; Posted Sep 01, 2020
The Record--Here's a list of the current reopening plans for school districts across North Jersey
NorthJersey.com Staff| Updated September 1, 2020
Education Week--Are All-Remote Districts Really Saving That Much Money This Fall?
Daarel Burnette II on August 28, 2020 6:02 PM
The Hechinger Report--As the world goes virtual, big education technology players tighten their grip
Even with their services in huge demand, some smaller firms are running out of cash
Jon Marcus September 2, 2020