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NJ Spotlight--Murphy Signs Teacher Health-Plan Reform, Union Praises Deal
Does Sweeney’s backing indicate new détente between Senate president and NJEA, after years of sparring and scuffling?
Lilo H. Stainton | July 2, 2020 | Health Care
Chalkbeat (via NJ Spotlight)--It’s official: State Returns Newark Schools to Local Control, Following Two-Year Transition
Student test scores and graduation rate improved under state oversight. Enrollment shrank as charter schools grew
Patrick Wall, Chalkbeat Newark | July 2, 2020 | Education
Star Ledger--N.J. education chief steps down, interim named
Adam Clark | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com| Updated Jul 01, 2020; Posted Jul 01, 2020
The Record--NJ appoints interim chief to lead schools as coronavirus, remote learning challenges loom
Hannan Adely| NorthJersey.com| July 1, 2020
NY Times--Private and Religious School Backers See Broad Victory in Supreme Court Decision
The court drew its decision narrowly when ruling against a Montana tax break that excluded religious schools. But denominational school advocates will push a broad application.
Erica L. Green| July 1, 2020
Education Week--Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Teachers: Why It Matters, Ways to Do It
Elizabeth Heubeck| June 30, 2020
Politics K-12 (via Education Week)--Democrats Push Big Education and Child Care Virus Relief Packages
Top Senate Democrats have introduced a major aid package for K-12 schools and child-care services, in what they say will help them reopen with appropriate health precautions.
Andrew Ujifusa on June 30, 2020 5:38 PM
Education Dive--Will climbing coronavirus cases derail school reopenings?
In a Senate committee hearing Tuesday, lawmakers and health experts said while reopening schools is important, increasing COVID cases are cause for concern.
Naaz Modan @NaazModan | Published July 1, 2020