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NJ Spotlight--Another Reopening Dilemma for NJ Schools: Students, Teachers Afraid to Come Back
School districts struggling to balance in-school/virtual instruction face another problem — educators, students unwilling to return to brick-and-mortar classrooms
John Mooney | July 16, 2020 | Education, Coronavirus in NJ
Star Ledger--Don’t want to send your kids back to school? Here are 4 options for N.J. parents.
Kelly Heyboer| Updated 7:23 AM; Today 7:23 AM
Philadelphia Inquirer--Philly’s school plan is out. Parents are panicked.
Kristen A. Graham and Hadriana Lowenkron, Posted: July 15, 2020- 6:30 PM
NY Times--Citing Educational Risks, Scientific Panel Urges That Schools Reopen
Younger children in particular are ill-served by remote learning, according to a report issued by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.
Apoorva Mandavilli| July 15, 2020
NY Times--In the Same Towns, Private Schools Are Reopening While Public Schools Are Not
Private schools have always had more flexibility, and usually more money, but never has that disparity made a bigger difference than now.
Claire Cain Miller| July 16, 2020, 5:00 a.m. ET
NPR--Is School Safe? Will Districts Test For COVID-19? Answering Back-To-School Questions
Allison Aubrey, Cory Turner, Sarah McCammon| July 15, 20207:44 PM ET
Education Dive--NWEA: Rethink online assessments, student growth in wake of COVID-19
The Northwest Evaluation Association, a nonprofit assessment provider, released state and federal policy recommendations this week to guide lawmakers and educators as they navigate expected student learning loss and uncertainty in providing accurate and helpful assessments when students return to in-person instruction.
Naaz Modan @NaazModan| Published July 15, 2020
The Hechinger Report--TEACHER VOICE: Reimagine schools? We must widen our starting points
Three priorities for schools as they make plans to reopen: personhood, relationships and equity
Eric Shieh July 10, 2020