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NJ Spotlight--Op-Ed: Congress Needs to Finish Job, Help Nation Rebuild Crumbling Schools
Now that the U.S. House has passed the historic Rebuild America’s Schools Act, it’s up to the GOP-controlled Senate to help the nation fix the problem
Kyle Rosenkrans | July 15, 2020 | Opinion, Education
Star Ledger--Trump administration rescinds rule on foreign students
Associated Press| Updated Jul 14, 2020; Posted Jul 14, 2020
NPR--A Teacher Who Contracted COVID-19 Cautions Against In-Person Schooling
James Doubek| July 14, 20205:38 PM ET
Education Week--Tracking Student Attendance Under Remote Learning Is a Complicated Mess
Penelope Blackwell, Claire Fox, Jenna Gyimesi, Kara Grant, Carter Johnson, and Kyra Senese|
July 13, 2020
Chalkbeat--Despite stress of closures, most parents wary of rush to return to school buildings, polls show
Matt Barnum and Claire Bryan Jul 14, 2020, 6:24pm EDT
Chalkbeat--I’m a class scheduler in NYC. Here’s what I need to know to do my job.
When assigning students to classes, there are always a lot of pieces to fit together. Now there are even more.
Stephen Lazar Jul 14, 2020, 1:29pm EDT
Education Dive--Parents, teachers challenge school reopening decisions
Naaz Modan @NaazModan| Published July 13, 2020