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NJ Spotlight--NJ schools to get $2.7 billion — and rules on how to spend it
See how federal American Rescue Plan funds are being distributed to your local district and other schools across the state
John Mooney, Education writer | May 26, 2021 | Education, Coronavirus in NJ
Star Ledger--Drop the mask mandate for teachers, students, N.J. district asks Murphy
Rob Jennings | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com| Updated May 25, 2021; Posted May 25, 2021
NPR--NYC Schools Chancellor Says Her Message To Parents Is Simple: Schools Are Safe
Rachel Martin| May 25, 20219:54 AM ET
Education Week--Mental Health Problems Loom for the COVID Generation. Here’s What Schools Can Do
Arianna Prothero — May 24, 2021
Chalkbeat--As Newark schools plan for the fall, questions remain about student vaccination, safety measures, and family hesitancy
Patrick Wall May 24, 2021, 6:10pm EDT
Education Dive--Decoding the Divide: How COVID-19 thrust a long-widening digital gap into the spotlight
The pandemic forced emergency investment to connect all students to digital learning opportunities, but holes remain in access and training.
Roger Riddell Editor| Published May 25, 2021