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NJ Spotlight--Once seen as a struggle, support for pre-K now widespread
Report ranks NJ as leader in pre-kindergarten programs as group that pushed them says its job is done
John Mooney, Education writer | April 21, 2021 | Education
MyCentralJersey.com--What will NJ proms look like in 2021?
Cheryl Makin| April 21, 2-21
NPR--How Schools Can Help Kids Heal After A Year Of 'Crisis And Uncertainty'
Cory Turner, Christine Herman| April 21, 20215:00 AM ET
Education Week--FEMA Will Cover Some COVID-19 Staffing Costs for Schools
Mark Lieberman — April 19, 2021
Chalkbeat--Relief and reflection: After Chauvin guilty verdict, teachers and students look to the work ahead
Chalkbeat Staff Updated Apr 20, 2021, 9:29pm EDT
The Hechinger Report--PROOF POINTS: Gifted programs provide little to no academic boost, new study says
National study finds Black students and low-income children don’t reap the small gains achieved by white, Asian and high-income children
Jill Barshay April 19, 2021