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NJ Spotlight--In ‘open letter,’ NJ’s top education groups offer vision of school after COVID-19
Letter addresses governor and state lawmakers, stressing ways to help students emerge from pandemic ‘emotionally strong and academically successful’
John Mooney, Education writer | February 5, 2021 | Education, Coronavirus in NJ
NJ Spotlight--Op-Ed: Post-pandemic education, getting beyond worries about ‘learning loss’
Falling back on pre-pandemic practices, like continuing with statewide testing, is easy. But the current moment calls for a different approach
Patricia Wright | February 5, 2021 | Opinion, Education
South Jersey Times--Uncharted territory for N.J. schools’ snow-day dilemma | Editorial
South Jersey Times Editorial Board| Updated Feb 04, 2021; Posted Feb 04, 2021
NPR--Teachers Union Head: Examples Of Success And Trust Key To Reopening Schools
Rachel Martin, Heidi Glenn| February 5, 20217:00 AM ET
Education Week--CDC Director: Teacher Vaccinations Are Not a Prerequisite for Reopening Schools
Evie Blad — February 03, 2021
Education Dive--Ed Dept: Schools can't exit identification statuses in 2020-21
Naaz Modan @NaazModan| Published Feb. 4, 2021
The Hechinger Report--OPINION: Singing in the parking lot, and other pandemic strategies for music students
A longtime music educator looks back and ahead to see how conservatories, classrooms and programs are managing
Lee Whitmore February 2, 2021