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6-27-19 Education in the News

NJ Spotlight--Preparing High Schoolers for College and Career: NJ Spotlight Roundtable

What skills do graduates need to succeed beyond high school? Policy, college and business leaders discuss the expectations

Since the movement for education standards and testing took off in the 1980s and 1990s, the issue has centered on what exactly students should know and be able to do to succeed beyond high school. But that has been a moving target. Especially in recent years, the skills and knowledge expected of high school graduates have shifted.


NJ Spotlight | June 27, 2019



NJ Spotlight--Op-Ed: More Accountability Should Be Endgame for Charter Schools

Illegally or not, charter schools take money for schools and students out of the very communities where it is most needed

 While “Avengers: Endgame” is smashing records at the box office, the hundreds of millions in precious public dollars that flowed to for-profit management companies and real estate concerns associated with charter schools — as the NorthJersey.com investigation Cashing In On Charter Schools documented — might be better exemplified by the 1960’s spaghetti Western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.”


Donna M. Chiera | June 27, 2019



The Record—Lowry: Learning the First Lesson of LGBTQ History

The point of becoming the second state to teach such history is to educate, to tell the whole story of those too long forgotten.


Elaine Lowry| June 27, 2019


Asbury Park Press—Op-Ed: State needs to pick up the tab for private school busing, special ed

Having the state absorb the full cost for special education private school transportation is the only way.


Randy Bergmann} June 27, 2019


Education Week--How 3 States Are Digging In on Civics Education

What can states do to develop better citizens? CivXNow, a coalition of some 90 organizations spearheaded by the online curriculum group iCivics, has some ideas. The group recently unveiled a policy menu: Revise social science standards to prioritize civics. Align tests to them. Improve teacher training. Give youth a voice at schools and in local government.


Stephen Sawchuk| June 26, 2019


Education Dive--Florida, maybe Alabama — will more states drop Common Core?

While some state policymakers blame the standards for stagnant student performance, others continue to make revisions without dropping the Common Core completely.


Linda Jacobson| June 26, 2019

The Hechinger Report--OPINION: Fixing hiring practices to increase faculty diversity

Closing the gap in diversity between an institution's student body and its faculty

While institutions continue to work toward improving the diversity of their students, another aspect of diversity work receives precious little attention: faculty.


Autumn Reed  and  Andrew Rosen| June 27, 2019