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10-26-18 Education in the News

Chalkbeat--More work, worse relationships, and better feedback: How teacher evaluation has changed the job of the principal

Teacher evaluation overhauls were supposed to reshape the teaching profession. New research suggests they may have had an even greater impact on what it means to be a school principal.

As policy makers overhauled teacher rating systems in the last decade, principals began spending much more of their time watching teachers in action and talking to them about how to improve. But the shift also overwhelmed them with work, stopped them from fulfilling other responsibilities in their schools, and weakened their relationships with teachers.

Those are some of the takeaways of a study based on interviews with dozens of principals in six districts that revamped how teachers were evaluated in the last decade. Typically, the new evaluation systems — often put in place at the urging of the federal government and influential philanthropies, particularly the Gates Foundation — incorporated student performance for the first time but were driven mostly by teachers’ scores on rubrics that attempt to spell out good teaching practices.


Matt Barnum, Philissa Cramer| October 25, 2018


The Atlantic--How High Schools Shaped American Cities

Public education and its traditions united communities. But “school choice” could put that legacy at risk.

In 2016, shortly after she was appointed to the position, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos declared American public schools a “dead end.” Instead, DeVos advocates for “school choice,” code for charter schools, vouchers, and other privatization efforts.

Families who have watched their local schools struggle might agree with DeVos, but her characterization is still troubling. It reflects a distrust of education as a communal goal, not just an individual one. That’s a big change from the objective of American public schools during their first two centuries.


Amy Lueck| Oct 23, 2018


NPR--Is Civics Education The Key To Mobilizing Young Voters?

Only 16 percent of eligible voters under the age of 30 cast ballots in the 2014 midterm elections. This year, public figures from Taylor Swift to Barack Obama have taken to social media to mobilize young people. But some experts say the long-term solution to low youth turnout is better civics education.


Peter O’Dowd| October 22, 2018


Education Week--5 Things to Know About Today's Teaching Force

The teaching force has continued to grow larger, less experienced, and more racially diverse. And the high numbers of teacher turnover have continued, especially among inexperienced and nonwhite teachers, a new analysis shows. 

Richard Ingersoll, a professor of education and sociology at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, has studied nearly three decades of federal data on teachers—now from 1987 to 2016—to explore what changes have taken place over time. This new report is his latest update, using 2015-16 data from the National Teacher Principal Survey. Here are some of the key findings:


Madeline Will on October 23, 2018 12:01 AM