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1-15-19 Education in the News

NJ Spotlight--Murphy’s first State of State Address Comes at Pivotal Time for NJ and for Him

Hopes were high among progressives when governor came into office, but tension between him and fellow Democrats has impeded his agenda

Gov. Phil Murphy is set to deliver his first State of the State address today and in many ways it could not be coming at a more pivotal time for his administration.


John Reitmeyer | January 15, 2019



The Record—Editorial: Continue Work to Protect New Jersey’s LGBT Students

One way to fight intolerance is through education.  This is where schools’ personnel, students and parents can present a united front.



The North Jersey Editorial Board, North Jersey Record| January 15, 2019


Asbury Park Press—Teachers’ Pay: How Much are Teachers in Your Town Paid?

NJ teachers’ pay: Are your kids being educated by teachers who are underpaid?  Who is earning the most in your child’s school?


Amanda Oglesby| Asbury Park Press, January 15, 2019


NY Times--The Gender Achievement Gap Starts Later for Asian-American Students

A study gives educators insight into how to help American boys in general, pointing to the influence of social pressures.

Over all, girls outperform boys in school. It starts as early as kindergarten. By the time students reach college, women graduate at a higher rate than men.

But there’s an exception. Asian-American boys match the grades of Asian-American girls in elementary school, a new study has found. For them, the gender achievement gap doesn’t appear until adolescence — at which point they start doing worse as a group than Asian-American girls.


Claire Cain Miller| Jan. 15, 2019


Washington Post--Higher education moon shot remains stuck in lower orbit

When President Barack Obama stood before a friendly and enthusiastic crowd at Macomb Community College near Detroit 10 years ago, the goals he set out were historic.

Within a decade, he said on that day in 2009, community colleges such as Macomb would collectively boost their number of graduates by 5 million. That would help return the United States to first in the world in the proportion of its population with the credentials needed to sustain an economy increasingly dependent on highly educated workers.

“Time and again, when we placed our bet for the future on education, we have prospered as a result,” Obama said in announcing his American Graduation Initiative.


Jon Marcus| January 13 at 6:17 PM



Education Week--The Truth About Bilingualism: It's Only for Some Students

Schools in the United States are embracing bilingualism like never before.

Shifting demographics and political dynamics have transformed views on multilingual education in many parts of the country, paving the way for a focused examination of educating the nation's 5 million K-12 English-language learners and the importance of foreign-language instruction.


Corey Mitchell| January 8, 2019 | Corrected: January 11, 2019