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Education Week - States Setting Higher Expectations for Their Tests
‘…The analysis, by Achieve and the Collaborative for Student Success, is the second this week to report that states are setting performance expectations in math and English/language arts that are closer to those on the NAEP. On Wednesday, Harvard University researchers published a similar study in the journal Education Next, showing states requiring higher-caliber performance on state tests for students to be deemed “proficient.”
Here at EdWeek, we’ve been reporting those patterns since last November, when we published Education Week‘s national database of states’ 2014-15 test scores. It shows big drops in proficiency rates as many states switched to tests aligned with the Common Core State Standards. The map has been updated as states report results…’
By guest blogger Catherine Gewertz, Cross-posted from the Curriculum Matters blogs
NJ SPOTLIGHT - ADVOCATES FOR EXPANDED PRESCHOOL GATHER TO RALLY SUPPORT FOR MORE FUNDING…Democrat-backed legislation would allocate millions to provide pre-K programs to more 3- and 4-year-olds ‘The push to expand preschool offerings in New Jersey had a good day yesterday, with numerous state politicians and policy advocates publicly lining up behind the idea. Whether the outpouring of support leads to any additional programs or more preschool seats anytime soon remains to be seen…’