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Our GSCS Member Volunteers - Parents, Board of Education Members, School Administrators - recognize and appreciate the hard work and devotion to our students and we thank you!
It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Along with our fellow members of the We Raise NJ coalition, we are inviting parents, educators and community leaders across New Jersey to celebrate. Let’s send our thanks to the amazing teachers that help our children grow and keep New Jersey schools among the nation’s best.
Send your thanks with a Teacher Appreciation Week e-card now!
This year we want to send our teachers an extra special thank you for all they have done to support our kids through a tough, but important year. Whether transitioning to the new
PARCC statewide assessment, working around a record number of snow days or managing the many other challenges of running a classroom, our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure all students are ready for what lies ahead.
Please join us in saying thanks by sending a Teacher Appreciation Week e-card to one (or more) of your children's teachers right now!
Thank you for showing your appreciation for our teachers,