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October 2012
10-31-12 Education in the News
NJ Spotlight - NJ Spotlight Roundtable: NJ Schools Aren’t Making the Grade…Forum participants tackle problem of graduates ill-prepared for college, work force

Star Ledger editorial - Lies in Newark over teacher contracts: Editorial

10-26-12 Court Decision on Superintendent Salary Caps based on Legislature's law, known as 'A4', passed in 2007
NJ Spotlight - Appellate Court Upholds Superintendent Salary Caps…Strongly worded decision dismisses superintendents’ challenge as groundless...“In this case the Commissioner has done what the Legislature directed -- promulgate a regulation setting standards for contract review that will reduce excessive administrative expenditures,” wrote appellate Judge Jane Grall.

The Record - N.J. appeals court upholds caps on superintendent salaries for 3 districts, including Passaic "...The superintendants, along with the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, said the Christie administration had encroached on the Legislature’s authority when it imposed the caps in 2010...Christie said at the time that he was “disappointed” that superintendants’ salaries had become a “political football,” and the state Department of Education argued that a 2007 law gave it the power to oversee school district’s financial management...

10-25-12 Late Morning Breaking News - 'Court sides with state on salary cap case'
Politickernj-State Street Wire...TRENTON – The state appeals court has upheld the state Education Commissioner’s ability to set caps on school superintendents’ salaries.

GSCS Note: Per our Note published in out 10-1-12 Emailnet..."There is no doubt that the salary caps have had a negative impact on the stability of public school leadership in New Jersey. The dramatic loss of chief school administrators has been recorded and reported accurately. GSCS observes this via its membership and board table. There is clear reason for concern, and the issue is not going to go away..."

10-25-12 Camden T&E Case Snagged at Admin Law Judge Level...Spin-off Newark Teacher Group Rejecting Proposed Contract
Star Ledger - Judge declines to transfer 3 Camden students despite parents' claims

NJ Spotlight - Judge Rules Against Parents in Camden Case, Kids to Remain in District Schools…Citing poor test grades and decaying public schools does not sway judge in petition for emergent relief

NJ Spotlight - Jeers and Cheers Greet Newark Teachers Contract Agreement…Dissident NTU faction helps ensure that contract is not a done deal

10-24-12 Education in the News
NJ Spotlight- NJ's Top Three Supers Open up About Life Inside the System…Flux is the norm in New Jersey's public schools, offering unique challenges and opportunities

Press of Atlantic City - Education commissioner stresses finding new ways to be effective at school boards conference in Atlantic City

10-23-12 Education Issues in the News
NJ Spotlight - The Legal Question for Camden: What Constitutes a Toxic School?...Camden parents ask administrative judge to free their kids from attending the city's public schools

NJ Spotlight - NJEA Boss No Fan of Newark Contract Deal…Vincent Giordano quietly disagrees with two key components of the tentative deal: performance benefits and peer evaluation

10-22-12 Impact - Nov school board elections...Interaction - Facebook and Newark Contract
Philadelphia Inquirer-AP- Move to Nov. has major effect on N.J. school races…Candidates will now have to scramble for attention amid higher- profile national races

NJ Spotlight - Facebook Foundation Turns Corner with Contribution to Newark Contract…On eve of agreement, head of Foundation for Newark's Future talks about organization’s work so far

10-21-12 In the News - Take on Newark Teachers Contract & Reducing State Takeover bill Introduced
Star Ledger column - Moran: Newark teacher union's chief backs groundbreaking reform

The Record - Lawmakers seek to end N.J. takeover of schools

10-19-12 Newark Teachers Contract Changes, Anti-Bullying Reports and Support
NJ Spotlight - Newark Teachers Contract, a Game-Changer for NJ's Often-Troubled School District…Pay for performance and peer reviews are radical changes -- but they also show what can be done with $50 million in private funding

Philadelphia Inquirer - N.J. school bullying apparently not widespread… “With 603 New Jersey school districts and 75 charter schools, application of the law is uneven for a variety reasons, including economics.The state awarded $1 million in implementation grants in the 2011-12 school year after the state Council on Local Mandates ruled the law was an unfunded mandate. Districts requested $5 million. This school year brought no new state anti-bullying funds. "It would be very helpful if there was state support in this," said Lynne Strickland, director of the Garden State Coalition of Schools.

10-18-12 Groundbreaking Ed News - Merit Pay in Newark Contract, Supreme Court to hear Charter Case
(GSCS Note: GSCS will be analyzing these issues closely as they evolve.)

Star Ledger - Newark teachers strike historic deal including bonuses for top educators

NJ Spotlight- Quest Academy Charter to Get Its Day in Supreme Court…After being denied a charter for a record five times, Quest questions if the state is meeting its own 'standard for review'

NJ Spotlight - Newark Teacher's Contract Culmination of Two Years Give and Take…The new deal includes large-scale bonus system and teachers evaluating teachers

10-17-12 Choosing Evaluation Models - in the News
NJ Spotlight - School Districts Comparison Shop for Teacher Evaluation Systems…End-of-year deadline puts pressures on educators and system developers alike… “One of the options for districts is devising their own systems, something that many have done for years, but now they need the state's OK. But the majority are comparison shopping among nearly a dozen models that the state has approved from an array of researchers, educators, and other practitioners across the country…”

10-16-12 Charter program seeking growth in Camden
NJ Spotlight - Big Charter Network Looks South to Camden for Expansion…Nationwide program has won plaudits for success of schools in Newark

10-15-12 Three Camden parents say their children not receiving a thorough and efficient education
Courier Post-Associated Press 10-15-12 'Camden parents file petition to switch schools'

10-15-12 Education Issues in the News
Asbury Park Press - Learning: Shore area school districts get 'Choice' approval

Courier Post Online - Guidebook helps N.J. schools prepare for violent crises

10-9-12 Education and Related Issues in the News

  • NJ Spotlight - Inside the Classroom with New Jersey's Latest Teacher of the Year
  • The Record - Stile: Christie fight over state Supreme Court is one for the ages
  • Courier Post - Hope school decision 'unusual' defeat for Norcross…Democrat renews push for Urban Hope Act school in city


10-12-12 Principal Evaluations Program and Timeline in the News
NJ Spotlight - Principal Evaluation Mandate Will Put Administrators Under Microscope...

10-12-12 Online schools face backlash
Education Nation @ NBC.com - Online schools face backlash as states question results...Public officials and educators are questioning whether cyber-schools are making the grade

10-11-12 Education in the News

  • NJ Spotlight - DOE Follows $1.6 Billion in Stimulus Money . . . but Only So Far…Safeguards recommended several years ago by state monitors still not in place
  • Northjersey.com - Officials think new school lunch program is beneficial


10-10-12 State Testing Contract Extended...Two Small Districts considering regionalizing

  • NJ Spotlight - NJ Extends Contract to Keep High School Tests for Two More Years…Switch to new assessments scheduled to begin in 2015
  • PARCC Assessment Design
  • Star Ledger -Two tiny N.J. schools might become part of new regional district…South Hunterdon Regional and Stockton Schools


10-5-12 Education Issues in the News

  • NJ Spotlight - DOE Rescinds Administrative Leave, Reinstates Ousted Perth Amboy Super…Cerf angers school union, meddling in what some see as a strictly local dispute
  • Star Ledger - Federal merit pay program to reward teachers across N.J.
  • NJ Spotlight - Interactive Map: Violence and Bullying in New Jersey Schools


10-3-12 Education in the News

  • Washington Post-Associated Press - NJ counts school bullying incidents for 1st time under new law - 12K in 2011-12 academic year
  • The Record - N.J. schools serving breakfast to only a third of those eligible


10-2-12 Charters and Anti-Bullying 'Respect Week' in the News

  • NJ Spotlight - State Gives Preliminary Go-Ahead to Two New Charter Schools…Newark academy would be first under new law allowing private-to-public conversions
  • The Record - N.J. education commissioner kicks off anti-bullying "Week of Respect" in Teaneck…


10-1-12 Education Issues in the New

  • Philadelphia Inquirer-Associated Press –N J Schools holding 'Week of Respect' program in schools
  • NJ Spotlight - Fine Print: State Control of Newark Schools in Court…
